// Flag Access (for access to cvars below) | 0 - Disable
// -
// Default: "t"
weapons_flag "t"
// Who can use the menu? | 0 - Disable menu | 1 - All | 2 - players with flags 'weapons_flag'
// -
// Default: "2"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "2.000000"
weapons_access "2"
// Percentage discount on the purchase of weapons for players with a flag 'weapons_flag'
// -
// Default: "30"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "100.000000"
weapons_disc "30"
// How much increase purchasing time for players with flag weapons_flag
// -
// Default: "2.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
weapons_time "2.0"
// Menu access since round X
// -
// Default: "3"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
weapons_firstround "3"
// Only in the buyzone
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
weapons_zone "1"
// Show the damage percentage in the /ultimate menu?
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
weapons_menu_dmg "0"
// Flag to access the console command weapons_give | 0 - Disable
// -
// Default: "t"
weapons_cmd_access "t"
// Give type | 0 - Append | 1 - Replace | 2 - Drop and replace
// -
// Default: "2"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "2.000000"
weapons_give_type "2"
// Trace type | 0 - Like a original Ultimate Weapons | 1 - Another
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
weapons_trace_type "0"
// Who can pick up the ultimate weapon | 0 - All | 1 - Player with flag
// -
// Default: "0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
weapons_pickup_access_type "0"
#if defined _auw_included
#define _auw_included
#if 1
#define __auw__native_str__get_weapon_uid "auw_get_weapon_uid"
#define __auw__native_str__give_weapon "auw_give_weapon"
#define __auw__native_str__valid_weapon "auw_valid_weapon"
#define __auw__native_str__get_weapons_data "auw_get_weapons_data"
#define __auw__native__auw_get_weapon_uid auw_get_weapon_uid
#define __auw__native__auw_give_weapon auw_give_weapon
#define __auw__native__auw_valid_weapon auw_valid_weapon
#define __auw__native__auw_get_weapons_data auw_get_weapons_data
#define AUW_IMPULSE_OFFSET 128381
enum _:eAUWData
WeaponIdType: eAUWData_WEAPON_ID,
InventorySlotType: eAUWData_WEAPON_SLOT,
enum eAUWForwards
enum eAUWWeaponIdReturn
eAUWWeaponIdReturn_InvalidId = -1
enum eAUWGiveItemTypes
* Retrieves UID by weapon name
* @param sWeaponName Weapon Name
* @param iUidWithOffset Is UID contain internal offset
* @return UID otherwise eAUWWeaponIdReturn_InvalidId
native __auw__native__auw_get_weapon_uid(const sWeaponName[], const bool: iUidWithOffset = true);
* Give weapon by weapon name
* @param iPlayer id
* @param sWeaponName Weapon Name
* @param notification Show chat notification's
* @param uid Weapon UID
* @param iUidWithOffset Is UID contain internal offset
* @param iBuy Buy
* @return true/false
native __auw__native__auw_give_weapon(iPlayer, const sWeaponName[], const bool: notification = true, const uid = -1, const iUidWithOffset = true, const iBuy = 0);
* Checks if the weapon is custom
* @param iItem Weapon Index
* @param iKey UID
* @param iKeyWithOffset Is UID contain internal offset
* @return true/false
native __auw__native__auw_valid_weapon(iItem, iKey, const bool: iKeyWithOffset = true);
* Writes weapon data to array
* @param iKey UID
* @param aData Array Data
* @param iKeyWithOffset Is UID contain internal offset
* @return true/false
native __auw__native__auw_get_weapons_data(iKey, aData[eAUWData], const bool: iKeyWithOffset = true);
* Called before item given, before any internal checks
* Return 0 - to continue, any other values to break
* @param eGiveItemType eAUWGiveItemTypes
* @param iPlayer Player index
* @param iWeaponKey Weapon raw index (UID - AUW_IMPULSE_OFFSET), can be used with weapons_get_weapons_data + AUW_IMPULSE_OFFSET
* @param iBuy Is weapon buying, possible should be deprecated due eAUWGiveItemTypes
* @return nothing
forward auw_on_give_item_pre(const eAUWGiveItemTypes: eGiveItemType, const iPlayer, const iWeaponKey, const iBuy);
* Called after .ini parsing
* @param iCount Parsed weapons count
* @return nothing
forward auw_on_parse_end(const iCount);
buyultimate открыть меню покупки через коносль
goldak - купить оружие (на подобии как покупаются обычные оружия через консоль. В ultimate_weapons.ini вы указываете название оружия, если вы его введете в консоль, то оно купится. Например введите ak47, купится калаш, а если ввести goldak , купиться новый золотой или какой Вы там себе поставите)say /ultimate - открыть меню покупки через ЧАТ