new const Plugin_Name[ ] = "Sell Weapons";
new const Plugin_Version[ ] = "1.0";
new const Plugin_Author[ ] = "Ruby";
#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>
#define IsDefaultWeapon(%0) bool: ( get_entvar( %0, var_impulse ) == 0 )
new const Dictionary_File[ ] = "sell_weapons.txt";
new const Config_File[ ] = "sell_weapons";
new g_pCvar_MaxMoney,
Float: g_flBuyTime,
Float: g_flPrice;
public plugin_init( )
register_plugin( Plugin_Name, Plugin_Version, Plugin_Author );
register_event( "StatusIcon", "Event__StatusIcon", "be", "1=1", "2=buyzone" );
RegisterHookChain( RG_CBasePlayer_ImpulseCommands, "RG_CBasePlayer__ImpulseCommands_Pre", false );
bind_pcvar_float( ( g_pCvar_Price = create_cvar( "sw_sale_price", "0.5", FCVAR_NONE, "The amount for which the sale will be made (weapon cost * cvar = sale price) (0.5 = 50% of the cost of the weapon)" ) ), g_flPrice );
hook_cvar_change( ( g_pCvar_MaxMoney = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_maxmoney" ) ), "HookCvarsChange" );
hook_cvar_change( ( g_pCvar_BuyTime = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_buytime" ) ), "HookCvarsChange" );
hook_cvar_change( g_pCvar_Price, "HookCvarsChange" );
g_iMaxMoney = get_pcvar_num( g_pCvar_MaxMoney );
g_flBuyTime = get_pcvar_float( g_pCvar_BuyTime );
register_dictionary( Dictionary_File );
AutoExecConfig( .name = Config_File );
public Event__StatusIcon( const pPlayer )
if ( !is_user_alive( pPlayer ) || rg_buytime_expired( ) || g_flPrice <= 0.0 )
client_print_color( pPlayer, print_team_default, "%l %l", "ML_Prefix", "ML_Info" );
public RG_CBasePlayer__ImpulseCommands_Pre( const pPlayer )
if ( !is_user_alive( pPlayer ) || !rg_get_user_buyzone( pPlayer ) || rg_buytime_expired( ) || g_flPrice <= 0.0 )
if ( get_entvar( pPlayer, var_impulse ) != 201 || ~get_entvar( pPlayer, var_button ) & IN_USE )
static pActiveItem; pActiveItem = get_member( pPlayer, m_pActiveItem );
if ( is_nullent( pActiveItem ) || !IsDefaultWeapon( pActiveItem ) )
static iCost; iCost = rg_get_weapon_info( get_member( pActiveItem, m_iId ), WI_COST );
if ( iCost <= 0 )
client_print_color( pPlayer, print_team_default, "%l %l", "ML_Prefix", "ML_NotForSale" );
if ( get_member( pPlayer, m_iAccount ) >= g_iMaxMoney )
client_print_color( pPlayer, print_team_default, "%l %l", "ML_Prefix", "ML_MaxMoney" );
static szWeaponName[ 24 ]; rg_get_iteminfo( pActiveItem, ItemInfo_pszName, szWeaponName, charsmax( szWeaponName ) );
rg_add_account( pPlayer, ( iCost = floatround( iCost * g_flPrice ) ) );
rg_remove_item( pPlayer, szWeaponName );
client_print_color( pPlayer, print_team_default, "%l %l", "ML_Prefix", "ML_Selling", iCost );
public HookCvarsChange( const pCvar, const szOldValue[ ], const szNewValue[ ] )
if ( pCvar == g_pCvar_MaxMoney )
g_iMaxMoney = str_to_num( szNewValue );
else if ( pCvar == g_flBuyTime )
g_flBuyTime = str_to_float( szNewValue );
else if ( pCvar == g_pCvar_Price )
g_flPrice = str_to_float( szNewValue );
stock bool: rg_buytime_expired( )
if ( g_flBuyTime == -1.0 )
return false;
return bool: ( g_flBuyTime == 0.0 || ( get_gametime( ) - Float: get_member_game( m_fRoundStartTime ) > ( g_flBuyTime * 60 ) ) );
stock bool: rg_get_user_buyzone( const pPlayer )
new iSignals[ UnifiedSignals ]; get_member( pPlayer, m_signals, iSignals );
return bool: ( SignalState: iSignals[ US_State ] & SIGNAL_BUY );